Paul Kramer

Paul Kramer Low Budget Christmas  CD release party Tuesday November  16 at Station Inn!

In the past several years, Paul Kramer has emerged as a formidable artistic voice on the Nashville scene. Simultaneously fronting several band projects, including Swing Street, The Grassaholics and The Bloggrass Boys, Paul has shown himself to be a highly imaginative songwriter, expressive vocalist, and virtuosic triple-threat instrumentalist. Now comes the debut of Low Budget Christmas, a stylistically varied collection of mostly original Christmas songs.  A few noteworthy highlights:   The Big Man’s Back in Town, a wry updating of the Santa legend; Oh Elizabeth, a straight-up bluegrass and black gospel influenced take on an oft-neglected character from the Biblical story; Santa Is A Socialist and Jingle Bells Revisited, both bitingly honest satirical observations of the contemporary scene. And don’t overlook the closing track You Can’t Put a Cuss Word in a Christmas Song, a spit-take funny parody of which Homer and Jethro would be proud. Add to the mix beautiful instrumental renditions of a couple old faves and the result is highly satisfying listening. Featured throughout are Paul’s solid fiddle, mandolin and guitar work, the amazing multi-instrumental talents of Rory Hoffman, and tasteful upright playing from engineer and folding bass maven Charlie Chadwick.

For the Station Inn CD release party, Paul will be accompanied by Hoffman and Chadwick, and also fiddle wunderkind Billy Contreras, with Walter Hartman on drums and a special guest appearance by Nora Jane Struthers. Music will begin shortly after 9pm, there will be an $8 cover. The historic Station Inn is at 402 12th Avenue South in Nashville.